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What is EHSA?

The Environment Health & Safety Assistant (EHSA) is a database used by EH&S to maintain safety data belonging to our campus customers. It contains information such as personnel rosters, locations and safety survey results. With its launch, EHSA will be web-based and directly accessible to our customers for the first time.

What EHSA Supports

EHSA allows customers to:

  • Review and update personnel lists
  • Review and update location information
  • Receive survey (inspection) results through the platform and send responses to findings or issues
  • Complete EH&S forms or assessments like the Lab Hazard Assessment or the New Research Group Assessment 

An important note for research groups

While EHSA has access to your SafetyNet data and some of the data shared as part of the authorization process will be viewable in EHSA, all research groups should continue to submit Biosafety Use Authorizations (BUAs) and Radioactive Materials Use Authorizations (RUAs) through their respective SafetyNet applications.

Support and Training

Step-by-step tutorials for the EHSA system are available below. 

Additional assistance can be provided by scheduling a 30 minute appointment with one of our staff members.  

You can also join one of our drop-in sessions M-F at 10am or 12pm.  

Accessing your Account Information in EHSA

Adding a Location to an Existing Account from the Homepage

Adding a Worker to an Account from the Homepage

Responsible Individual's Response Process for Open Findings

Creating your LHAT in EHSA

Responsible Individual’s EHSA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Log into the EHSA portal and click on the "Training Records" tab on the homepage.
  2. If your lab has multiple PIs, select the PI from the dropdown menu.
  3. The system will populate a table of personnel for the selected PI.
  4. Click a worker's name to view their training requirements and history. Requirements not yet met will appear in red.

Source: Viewing Your Workplace Training Records​

  1. Open the Responsible Individual’s account and click on the "Workers" tab.
  2. Click "Attach Worker(s)" and filter the worker by their UID or other criteria.
  3. Select the worker’s function and click "Save" to complete.

Source: Attaching a Worker to an Account​

  1. Log into EHSA and click "Location Registration."
  2. Use the dropdown menu to select the account owner.
  3. Enter the building name and room number or browse the list to find the location.
  4. Click "Request Link" and provide additional required details for EH&S review.
    *(Note: This process should not be used for BioSafety or Radiation Use Authorization accounts; instead, use SafetyNet.)

Source: Adding a Location to an Existing Account​


  1. Log into EHSA using your single sign-on credentials.
  2. Click on the "Accounts" icon to view your list of accounts.
  3. Double-click an account to access detailed information.
  4. Use the "Workers" and "Locations" tabs on the account page to view associated lab personnel and locations.

Source: Accessing Your Account Information​

  1. Log into EHSA and select "Safety Inspections."
  2. View your open findings and click "Edit Response" for the relevant deficiency.
  3. Provide a detailed explanation or evidence (e.g., upload images) to demonstrate how the issue has been addressed.
  4. Save the response and click "Submit to Inspector" for review.


    Source: Responsible Individual's Response Process for Open Findings​

  1. Click on "Accounts" in EHSA, then "Responsible Indv. & Account Information."
  2. Enter the individual’s first and last name, then click "Add."
  3. Select the account to associate with the individual.

    Source: Adding an Account to a Responsible Individual​

Bio, RAM, and Xray PIs must manage their authorizations through SafetyNet. These labs will only use EHSA to manage inspection findings and not to update workers or locations.

Please use the following breakdown to distinguish between the task and system. 

Update Worker information SafetyNetUse SafetyNet to manage lab worker additions, deletions, or updates for Bio, RAM, and Xray accounts.
Update Location InformationSafetyNetManage location updates exclusively in SafetyNet for Bio, RAM, and Xray accounts.
View Training ComplianceSafetyNetView lab member’s training compliance based on the respective authorization. 
Manage Inspection FindingsEHSALog into EHSA to view, respond to, and resolve inspection findings.

Approved amendments will display in EHSA overnight. EHSA relies on a nightly feed that refreshes every night to reflect changes.

If a worker does not appear in the system, submit a ticket to the ServiceNow IT Support Center by emailing Include the following details:

  • A description of the issue.
  • The worker’s information.
  • Mention that the issue is related to EHSA.

If you are unable to log into EHSA using your Shibboleth credentials and receive a prompt to contact the system administrator, submit a ticket to the ServiceNow IT Support Center at Provide a detailed description of the issue and mention EHSA.

If a non-paid student worker does not appear in the system, submit a ticket to the ServiceNow IT Support Center by emailing Include the following details:

  • A description of the issue.
  • The worker’s information.
  • Mention that the issue is related to EHSA.